Category: Uncategorized
Of Import to Everyone With a Pet Dog: Canine Endocardiosis from Dental Disease
This article is even going on my fishy sites because it seems like, MOST fishy-pond-owners ALSO have a beloved dog. … read more Of Import to Everyone With a Pet Dog: Canine Endocardiosis from Dental Disease
Pizza in a Bag – HOW NOT TO FEED YOUR DOG.
Pizza In a Bag (A Truthful Satire) Finally! Your dog will never decline food. “Aren’t you tired of mixing melted… read more Pizza in a Bag – HOW NOT TO FEED YOUR DOG.
Dosing 25mg Delta 8 THC Gummies for Canines Under Vet Supervision: In One Page
This is a “guideposts” article that gives you the basics on dosing Delta 8 THC Gummies of the 25mg per… read more Dosing 25mg Delta 8 THC Gummies for Canines Under Vet Supervision: In One Page
Positive Reinforcement is a Strong Idea with Weak Results
More than forty years ago people didn’t take any crap off their dogs. Dogs were NOT our equals and we… read more Positive Reinforcement is a Strong Idea with Weak Results
Natural Biology of Altum Scalare
This matters because it kind of addresses some of the ways (and reasons) you can improve the condition and success… read more Natural Biology of Altum Scalare went from Cool, to “Too Hard” like it’s for professionals.
You get to choose so many parameters which can give you the best possible results, but unless you know how… read more went from Cool, to “Too Hard” like it’s for professionals.
Microsoft Gradually Converts Operating System to Subscription-based Stranglehold
Some of you are already aware that Microsoft intends to make the key elements of its operating system into a… read more Microsoft Gradually Converts Operating System to Subscription-based Stranglehold
Talentless J Deeeeeee in the Houuuuse
Half time at the Atlanta United game against Nashville SC This ‘famous’ rapper performs. (Good Eeee?) Again I am struck… read more Talentless J Deeeeeee in the Houuuuse
Yunnan Baiyao
This is a package insert about Yunnan Baiyao, from China. Sometimes western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine have trouble code… read more Yunnan Baiyao